What Causes Heating Of The Air Ducts?

Duct Cleaning

What Causes Heating Of The Air Ducts?

By William 1 year ago Duct Cleaning

We're ready to relive the sweltering summertime. Furthermore, we don't want to experience any heat coming from the air ducts while we wait. But what do you do in this circumstance? What causes the heating of the Air Ducts? Your air ducts may be heated for a variety of reasons. The insulation surrounding the ducting has started failing and is letting heat through. A clog in the ducting is another option, reducing airflow and increasing the temperature. Whatever the root source, the issue must be resolved quickly. It can improve the comfort of your home while also assisting you in using less energy and spending less money on electricity. Hence following are some signs for hiring the immediate emergency duct cleaning

Why Your Air Ducts Are Heating

1. The airflow in the ducts is blocked  

The ducts may be blocked in some way from allowing air to flow freely. That could be caused by a buildup of dust or dirt or by something obstructing the path.

2. There is not enough insulation in the ducting

Another potential cause of heat buildup inside is inadequate ductwork insulation. If your furnace isn't working properly, it might heat the air in your ductwork.

3. A heat pump is in your possession

Your heated air ducts are probably the result of a problem with the reversing valve if your heat pump has one. If this valve controls the direction of refrigerant flow and becomes stuck in the "wrong" position, your heat pump may begin to deliver heat to your ducts rather than cool air.

4. There is zoning in your HVAC system

A problem with the damper actuators is the most common cause of heated air ducts in an HVAC zoning system. Hot air may enter your ducts if these actuators become stuck in the "open" position because they are responsible for opening and closing the dampers that control the airflow to each zone. 

5. Your furnace isn't working correctly 

An issue with the furnace itself is the most common cause of hot air ducts in a furnace-equipped home. If your furnace isn't heating the air in your ducts enough, it could heat up. 

6. Your thermostat is giving you problems

Your heated air ducts are probably the result of a poor thermostat setup if your thermostat isn't functioning properly. Your air ducts won't be at the proper temperature because the thermostat controls your home's interior temperature.

7. The way your air conditioner operates needs to be fixed 

The most frequent reason for heated air ducts in a home with an air conditioner is an electrical problem. Your air conditioner may become too hot, which could result in heated ductwork if it isn't cooling the air effectively.

The Air Ducts Might Also Become Excessively Hot If These Occur

  • A Furnace That Burns Oil: A broken oil-fired furnace is probably to blame for your heated air ducts. If your oil-fired furnace is not adequately heating the air, it could overheat and heat your ducting.
  • Electric space warmer: A heating element issue almost certainly causes hot air ducts in an electric furnace. Over time, these components may rust and lose some of their ability to effectively heat the air they move.
  • The Gas-Fired Furnace: A gas furnace's ductwork likely needs to distribute heat from the stove effectively. A clogged or dirty air filter, a blower motor problem, or an actual ductwork leak could all be the causes of that.


What causes the heating of the Air Ducts? Several factors can cause your air ducts to warm up. A problem with your air conditioner or even the insulation in your home is one of the most common causes. Other factors could mean, be the cause, like duct clogs or even a problem with your furnace's operation.

It's always advisable to call a qualified HVAC consultant to take a look if you need clarification on what's heating your air ducts. They'll be able to recognize the issue and provide a fix.

Read More:- How Can You Clean The Central Air Conditioning System At Home?


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