How Can You Clean The Central Air Conditioning System At Home?

Duct Cleaning

How Can You Clean The Central Air Conditioning System At Home?

By William 1 year ago Duct Cleaning

If you have a central air conditioning system then you will find it hard to clean the same on your own. Yes, some experts can help. But, sometimes, in their absence, if you have to do the cleaning on your own then it will be good if you have an idea about how to do the same.

Here’s the best step-by-step method for central air conditioning system cleaning. You should be having a good idea about how the cleaning needs to be done. If yes, then go ahead with confidence.

Shut off the power first

The first step will be to shut down the power. You must switch the same off and this will ensure that you are staying safe. Since you are doing the central air duct cleaning and air conditioning system cleaning for the first time and hence it may be a bit hard for you. So, taking the safety measures will work wonders.

Find out the condenser fans and clean them by doing vacuum cleaning

You must clean the condenser fans pretty well. The dust and dirt that is there on the same can create problems in cooling. So, follow the next step with perfection.

Make the condenser fins straight

Now, all you need to do is check the condenser fins. Those which are not proper should be straightened up.

Take the fan out for cleaning

You should then use the screwdriver and with that unscrew the fan. Take it out and start cleaning the same pretty well. But before you clean, just remove the wiring of the fan. You must wash the fan blades with perfection.

Clean the inside unit

Now, the next step is to clean the inside unit. You should check the filters and then clean up the clogged ones pretty well. When you successfully clean the filters, the next step will be to clean the unit too. You should also clean the drain pipe properly.

This is called detailed cleaning and it should be done once a year. The above steps will help you to clean the central duct cleaning and air conditioning system cleaning. All you need to do is check out how the system is and also how usually the experts come and clean the same. The central unit will have coils, condenser, fans, and even drainage pipes. All these things should be cleaned properly.


There would be too much dust in the air conditioning system. This would include pollen, contaminants, and even dirt and debris. With all these things the AC would become dirty and bad. It is therefore vital that you take the right measures. Cleaning the AC can help you in enhancing indoor air quality. So, make sure that you do that at regular intervals. This will help you in making your task easy. Air conditioners have to be perfect in all ways and so you need to work a bit extra hard for the same. These are some of the important things that you need to understand.


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