
Rowville Brake & Clutch

Auto Auto Repair

7 Hi-Tech Place
Rowville, Victoria 3178

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Rowville Brake & Clutch

Auto Auto Repair

7 Hi-Tech Place
Rowville, Victoria 3178


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Rowville Brake & Clutch

Auto Auto Repair

7 Hi-Tech Place
Rowville, Victoria 3178

0397631888 Call

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If you are looking for the service provider for all the automotive solutions, then Rowville Brake & Clutch would be the perfect one-stop destination for you. We are a fully equipped and expert service provider that offers perfect, quick and friendly services while keeping customer satisfaction an utmost priority.

At Rowville Brake & Clutch, we have fully facilitated automotive service centre and we offer our services as per our esteemed clients’ requirements. We have been utilizing cutting edge technology for resolving any automotive issues. We have been offering a comprehensive range of automotive services including clutch repairs, brake repairs, brake pads, mechanic, logbook service, air conditioning service, car service, roadworthy certificate and car repairs. All our services are available in service areas including Rowville, Lysterfield, Scoresby, Ferntree Gully and Knoxfield and the surrounding suburbs. We are proud ourselves to be a member of IAME (Institute of Automotive Mechanical Engineers), VACC accredited and licensed member of arc (Australian refrigeration council). With our extensive expertise in the respective fields, we now hold a reputation for being a trustworthy service provider. Moreover, our range of automotive services can be availed at the most affordable and industry-leading prices.


7 Hi-Tech Place Rowville, Victoria 3178


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Wayne Sayers
Posted 3 years ago


