
Autolube Service & Repair Centre

Auto Auto Repair

Factory 4/99 Horne Street Sunbury Vic 3429
Ada, Victoria 3429

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(03) 9746 3799


Autolube Service & Repair Centre

Auto Auto Repair

Factory 4/99 Horne Street Sunbury Vic 3429
Ada, Victoria 3429

(03) 9746 3799

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Autolube Service & Repair Centre

Auto Auto Repair

Factory 4/99 Horne Street Sunbury Vic 3429
Ada, Victoria 3429

(03) 9746 3799 Call

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AutoLube Pty Ltd is a leading car servicing center in Sunbury. With more than 30 years in the automotive industry, we pride ourselves in providing the best quality car repair and service at great prices in Sunbury and surrounding areas. We offer a full range of mechanical repairs, mobile mechanic, auto electrical, brakes and clutch repair and more service at affordable rates.

With our experience, expertise and in-depth industry knowledge, we have built an enviable reputation as a trustworthy car mechanic. Our workshop is well-equipped with all the modern diagnostic tools and equipment to ensure that the job is done right, the first time.

Our well qualified and experienced mechanics providing excellent workmanship on all the makes and models. Our diesel mechanic specialist handling all repairs of the diesel cars. We are proudly accredited by VACC and Vicroad.

Our Services:

• Mechanical Repairs
• Truck Repairs and Service
• Roadworthy Certificates
• Road Side Assistance
• Brakes and Clutch Repair
• Transmission Rebuild & Service
• Logbook Servicing
• Auto Electrical Repair

Why Choose Us?

• We are Vicroad approved and VACC accredited.
• Well-equipped workshop with all the advanced equipment and tools.
• We can handle any make or model.
• We have collective staff experience of over 30 years.


Factory 4/99 Horne Street Sunbury Vic 3429 Ada, Victoria 3429


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Autolube Service & Repair Centre Autolube Pty Ltd
Posted 1 year ago
