How Often Should You Change Your Toothbrush?


How Often Should You Change Your Toothbrush?

By William 3 years ago dentist

All have been taught in school, one must brush teeth twice a day for 2 minutes, well that still is the standard recommendation given by Dentist Cranbourne North experts and there is no difference of opinion in it. But what about the poor toothbrush that needs to clean our teeth twice a day for 2 minutes? How often should we change our toothbrush? Does it change when we use an electric toothbrush? Stay with us as we are going to discover some mind blowing facts about your toothbrush! Is it necessary to change your toothbrush? The obvious answer would be Yes!

Why Should One Change their Toothbrush? 

Bacterial Invasion : From childhood we have been taught that if we don’t brush our teeth then that could lead to tooth decay. Which is due to the bacteria, it’s actually true! Bacteria stays on the surface of your toothbrush just as water is absorbed by cotton. The more the water the wetter the cotton becomes, the more the use of toothbrush the more growth of bacteria is present. And more is the chance of the same tooth decay if we don’t brush! Streptococcal species of bacteria are particularly very dangerous which can even cause infective endocarditis

Viral Invasion : Viruses don't survive on surfaces for long. However it do stay and can cause further reinfections and other diseases.

Worn Out Bristles : Using a toothbrush for a long time could ease worn out bristles. The fact to remember is that a toothbrush with worn out bristles is very abrasive. That is it can cause damage to gum and can also cause bleeding! 

Yes, the bleeding that you might get after brushing your teeth could be due to worn out bristles and not due to weak gums! 

Preventing Spread of Infection: If the heads of the toothbrush are against each other. Then there are chances of spread of infection from one person to another via the toothbrush just go to your dentist. 

Preventing Reinfection : Some experts suggest that reinfection you can cause. Because the microorganisms can survive in the toothbrush for quite some time. 

When Should One Change the Toothbrush? 

According to a 2013 study published at central pointed out. That after 40 days of use of toothbrush the bristle flaring starts to become less effective. Also report more plaque buildup was in participants who didn’t change their toothbrush after 40 days. 

So 40 days ? Well Not Quite So! 

According to the recommendation of the CDC (Center for disease control and prevention) toothbrushes you can change every 3-4 months or when they appear to be worn out. It might sound like a marketing advertisement but it’s not so as there are a number of studies suggesting the same. The fact also depends on the quality of toothbrush one buys, higher quality toothbrush may stay upto 4 months whereas lower quality toothbrush may get worn in a month!

What About Electric Toothbrushes? 

Electric toothbrushes also contain nylon bristles which don't last long as the normal toothbrush bristles. Some experts suggest 12 weeks but the fact is it actually depends upon the quality and we can change when worn out. Get tooth extraction services at affordable prices.


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