6 Oral Health Benefits of a Good And Healthy Smile


6 Oral Health Benefits of a Good And Healthy Smile

By William 3 years ago dentist

A healthy smile is a great asset. A smile is made up of teeth and their health. Our teeth play such a crucial part & a pivotal role in our day to day lives. In chewing and digesting food, helping us speak clearly, and shaping our faces as well. It has other benefits in our daily lives too. It can make us more confident and influence & affect our social life, career, and interpersonal relationships. Therefore, it is only meaningful to take good care of our oral health. Good oral health can bring many incredible, life-changing benefits. Changing our appearance and positive thinking can improve our smiles and improve our physical health.

But Let Us Know the Health Benefits of a Good and Healthy Smile-

1. Protect Your Teeth For a Healthy Smile

By brushing teeth twice, eating a low-sugar diet, and seeing the affordable dental regularly. They can help to lower the risk of gum decaying and tooth decaying, which can cause dental problems. Studies have shown that the number of teeth we have depends to a large extent on our lifespan. So, Healthy teeth render an ideal smile and make you win the world.

2. Reducing the Risk of Disease 

When we have gum disease, bacteria in the mouth enter the blood and produce a protein that causes & results in the thickening of the blood. It means potential clot formation, which increases the risk & chances of heart attack. Likewise, gum diseases cause inflammatory blood vessels, leading to strokes. If we have gum disease, we are more likely to develop diabetes also.

3. Prevents Halitosis 

Clean and healthy teeth help prevent Halitosis (bad breath). Bad breath is common, usually caused by dental plaque. It is a symptom of gum disease and tooth decay, and can also cause embarrassment.

4. Lowering the Risk of Dementia and Cancer

Maintaining the health of our teeth and gums reduces the risk of certain types of cancer (especially women) and certain kinds of dementia. People with healthy gums are also 70% less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease than people with gum disease for a more extended period.

5. Having a Healthy Baby 

Expecting women with healthy gums are about three times more likely to give birth prematurely, which reduces the risk of a baby with low birth weight. This is because gum disease increases the level of chemicals that cause childbirth.

6. Keeping the Appearance of Teeth 

Another widespread disease that affects our appearance is tooth stains. So, Tooth stains are natural and related to "wear and tear," usually related to smoking or drinking a lot of tea, coffee, or red wine. In most cases, we can avoid surface stains by cleaning regularly; a good dentist can remove stubborn stains quite comprehensively. You can also get teeth whitening from expert dentist.


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